「CS61B」Note(8) Project3 BearMaps

Application Structure

Your job for this project is to implement the back end of a web server. To use your program, a user will open an html file in their web browser that displays a map of the city of Berkeley, and the interface will support scrolling, zooming, and route finding (similar to Google Maps).We’ve provided all of the front end code. Your code will be the “back end” which does all the hard work of figuring out what data to display in the web browser.

The user’s web browser provides a URL to your Java program, and your Java program will take this URL and generate the appropriate output, which will displayed in the browser.

The job of the back end server (i.e. your code) is take this URL and generate an image corresponding to a map of the region specified inside the URL. This image will be passed back to the front end for display in the web browser.

Assignment Overview

We can debug map.html on browser’s Javascript console : on Windows, in Chrome you can press F12 to open up the developer tools, click the network tab, and all calls to your MapServer should be listed under type xhr, and if you mouse-over one of these xhr lines, you should see the full query appear.

Map Rastering (Part I)


This class provides all code necessary to take a query box and produce a query result. The getMapRaster method must return a Map containing all seven of the required fields, otherwise the front end code will probably not draw the output correctly.

public class Rasterer {
    public static final double ROOT_ULLAT = 37.892195547244356, ROOT_ULLON = -122.2998046875,
            ROOT_LRLAT = 37.82280243352756, ROOT_LRLON = -122.2119140625;
    public static final int TILE_SIZE = 256, MAX_LEVEL = 7;

    public Rasterer() {

    public Map<String, Object> getMapRaster(Map<String, Double> params) {
        Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<>();
        boolean query_success = true;
        double lrlon = params.get("lrlon");
        double ullon = params.get("ullon");
        double ullat = params.get("ullat");
        double lrlat = params.get("lrlat");
        double h = params.get("h");
        double w = params.get("w");
        if (ullon > lrlon || ullat < lrlat) {
            query_success = false;
            results.put("query_success", query_success);
            return results;
        double root_lon_width = ROOT_LRLON - ROOT_ULLON;
        double root_lat_height = ROOT_LRLAT - ROOT_ULLAT;
        double LonDPP = (lrlon - ullon) / w;
        int depth = (int) Math.ceil(log(2, root_lon_width / LonDPP) - 8);
        if (depth > MAX_LEVEL) {
            depth = MAX_LEVEL;
        double tile_lon_width = root_lon_width / Math.pow(2, depth);
        double tile_lat_height = root_lat_height / Math.pow(2, depth);
        int raster_ul_x = (int) Math.floor((ullon - ROOT_ULLON) / tile_lon_width);
        int raster_ul_y = (int) Math.floor((ullat - ROOT_ULLAT) / tile_lat_height);
        int raster_lr_x = (int) Math.floor((lrlon - ROOT_ULLON) / tile_lon_width);
        int raster_lr_y = (int) Math.floor((lrlat - ROOT_ULLAT) / tile_lat_height);

        if (checkQueryPosition(raster_ul_x, raster_ul_y, raster_lr_x, raster_lr_y, depth)) {
            Rectangle inter = getIntersection(raster_ul_x, raster_ul_y, raster_lr_x, raster_lr_y,
            raster_ul_x = inter.x;
            raster_ul_y = inter.y;
            raster_lr_x = inter.x + inter.width - 1;
            raster_lr_y = inter.y + inter.height - 1;
        } else {
            query_success = false;
            results.put("query_success", query_success);
            return results;

        double raster_ul_lon = raster_ul_x * tile_lon_width + ROOT_ULLON;
        double raster_ul_lat = raster_ul_y * tile_lat_height + ROOT_ULLAT;
        double raster_lr_lon = (raster_lr_x + 1) * tile_lon_width + ROOT_ULLON;
        double raster_lr_lat = (raster_lr_y + 1) * tile_lat_height + ROOT_ULLAT;
        String[][] render_grid = getRenderGrid(raster_ul_x, raster_ul_y, raster_lr_x, raster_lr_y
                , depth);
        results.put("depth", depth);
        results.put("render_grid", render_grid);
        results.put("raster_ul_lon", raster_ul_lon);
        results.put("query_success", query_success);
        results.put("raster_ul_lat", raster_ul_lat);
        results.put("raster_lr_lon", raster_lr_lon);
        results.put("raster_lr_lat", raster_lr_lat);
//        System.out.println("Since you haven't implemented getMapRaster, nothing is displayed in "
//                           + "your browser.");
        return results;

    private double log(int basement, double n) {
        return Math.log(n) / Math.log(basement);

    private static String[][] getRenderGrid(int raster_ul_x, int raster_ul_y, int raster_lr_x,
                                            int raster_lr_y, int depth) {
        int width = raster_lr_x - raster_ul_x + 1;
        int height = raster_lr_y - raster_ul_y + 1;
        String[][] render_grid = new String[height][width];
        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                String fs = String.format("d%s_x%s_y%s.png", depth, raster_ul_x + j,
                        raster_ul_y + i);
                render_grid[i][j] = fs;
        return render_grid;

    private boolean checkQueryPosition(int raster_ul_x, int raster_ul_y, int raster_lr_x,
                                       int raster_lr_y, int depth) {
        int m_x = Math.max(raster_ul_x, 0);
        int m_y = Math.max(raster_ul_y, 0);
        int n_x = Math.min(raster_lr_x, (int) Math.pow(2, depth) - 1);
        int n_y = Math.min(raster_lr_y, (int) Math.pow(2, depth) - 1);

        if (m_x <= n_x && m_y <= n_y) {
            return true;
        return false;

    private Rectangle getIntersection(int raster_ul_x, int raster_ul_y, int raster_lr_x,
                                      int raster_lr_y, int depth) {
        Rectangle re1 = new Rectangle(raster_ul_x, raster_ul_y, raster_lr_x - raster_ul_x + 1,
                raster_lr_y - raster_ul_y + 1);
        Rectangle re2 = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int) Math.pow(2, depth), (int) Math.pow(2, depth));
        return re1.intersection(re2);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[][] render_grid = getRenderGrid(0, 0, 2, 2, 2);
        for (String[] sl : render_grid) {
            for (String s : sl) {

Routing & Location Data (Part II)


public class GraphDB {
    public GraphDB(String dbPath) {
        try {
            File inputFile = new File(dbPath);
            FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
            // GZIPInputStream stream = new GZIPInputStream(inputStream);

            SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
            GraphBuildingHandler gbh = new GraphBuildingHandler(this);
            saxParser.parse(inputStream, gbh);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException | IOException e) {
//        for (String l : getLocationsByPrefix("a")){
//            System.out.println(l);
//        }

    private final Map<Long, Node> nodes = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<Long, Node> nodesOriginal = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<Long, Way> ways = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<Long, Edge> edges = new HashMap<>();
    TrieTree locationTree = new TrieTree();
    Map<String, List<Long>> cleanNameMap = new HashMap<>();

    static class Node {
        Long id;
        double lon;
        double lat;
        LinkedList<Long> adj;
        LinkedList<Long> adjEdge;
        String name;

        Node(Long id, double lon, double lat) {
            this.id = id;
            this.lon = lon;
            this.lat = lat;
            this.adj = new LinkedList<>();
            this.name = null;
            this.adjEdge = new LinkedList<>();

    static class Edge {
        Long edgeId;
        Long wayId;
        Set<Long> points;
        String wayName;

        Edge(Long edgeId, Long wayId, Long from, Long to) {
            this.edgeId = edgeId;
            this.wayId = wayId;
            points = new HashSet<>();
            this.wayName = null;

    static class Way {
        Long id;
        LinkedList<Long> edges;
        String name;
        String maxSpeed;

        Way(Long id, LinkedList<Long> edges) {
            this.id = id;
            this.edges = edges;
            this.name = null;
            this.maxSpeed = "";

//    HashSet<HashSet<Long>> getConnections(long wayId) {
//        return ways.get(wayId).connections;
//    }

    long getNumberOfEdge() { return edges.size(); }

    String getWayName(long wayId) {
        return ways.get(wayId).name;

    String getWayNameFromEdge(long edgeId) {
        return edges.get(edgeId).wayName;

    LinkedList<Long> adjEdgeOfNode(long v) { return nodes.get(v).adjEdge; }

    Set<Long> getPointsOfEdge(long edgeId) { return edges.get(edgeId).points; }

     * Helper to process strings into their "cleaned" form, ignoring punctuation and capitalization.
     * @param s Input string.
     * @return Cleaned string.
    static String cleanString(String s) {
        return s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]", "").toLowerCase();

     *  Remove nodes with no connections from the graph.
     *  While this does not guarantee that any two nodes in the remaining graph are connected,
     *  we can reasonably assume this since typically roads are connected.
    private void clean() {
        // TODO: Your code here.
        for (long nodeId : nodes.keySet()) {
            nodesOriginal.put(nodeId, nodes.get(nodeId));
        nodes.values().removeIf(n -> n.adj.isEmpty());

    void buildCleanTrieAndCleanMap() {
        int s = 0;
        for (Node n : nodesOriginal.values()) {
            if (n.name != null) {
                String cleanName = GraphDB.cleanString(n.name);
                if (this.cleanNameMap.containsKey(cleanName)) {
                } else {
                    LinkedList<Long> nodeIdList = new LinkedList<>();
                    this.cleanNameMap.put(cleanName, nodeIdList);

     * Returns an iterable of all vertex IDs in the graph.
     * @return An iterable of id's of all vertices in the graph.
    Iterable<Long> vertices() {
        //YOUR CODE HERE, this currently returns only an empty list.
        return nodes.keySet();

    Iterable<Long> ways() {
        //YOUR CODE HERE, this currently returns only an empty list.
        return ways.keySet();

     * Returns ids of all vertices adjacent to v.
     * @param v The id of the vertex we are looking adjacent to.
     * @return An iterable of the ids of the neighbors of v.
    Iterable<Long> adjacent(long v) {
        return nodes.get(v).adj;

     * Returns the great-circle distance between vertices v and w in miles.
     * Assumes the lon/lat methods are implemented properly.
     * <a href="https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html">Source</a>.
     * @param v The id of the first vertex.
     * @param w The id of the second vertex.
     * @return The great-circle distance between the two locations from the graph.
    double distance(long v, long w) {
        return distance(lon(v), lat(v), lon(w), lat(w));

    static double distance(double lonV, double latV, double lonW, double latW) {
        double phi1 = Math.toRadians(latV);
        double phi2 = Math.toRadians(latW);
        double dphi = Math.toRadians(latW - latV);
        double dlambda = Math.toRadians(lonW - lonV);

        double a = Math.sin(dphi / 2.0) * Math.sin(dphi / 2.0);
        a += Math.cos(phi1) * Math.cos(phi2) * Math.sin(dlambda / 2.0) * Math.sin(dlambda / 2.0);
        double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
        return 3963 * c;

     * Returns the initial bearing (angle) between vertices v and w in degrees.
     * The initial bearing is the angle that, if followed in a straight line
     * along a great-circle arc from the starting point, would take you to the
     * end point.
     * Assumes the lon/lat methods are implemented properly.
     * <a href="https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html">Source</a>.
     * @param v The id of the first vertex.
     * @param w The id of the second vertex.
     * @return The initial bearing between the vertices.
    double bearing(long v, long w) {
        return bearing(lon(v), lat(v), lon(w), lat(w));

    static double bearing(double lonV, double latV, double lonW, double latW) {
        double phi1 = Math.toRadians(latV);
        double phi2 = Math.toRadians(latW);
        double lambda1 = Math.toRadians(lonV);
        double lambda2 = Math.toRadians(lonW);

        double y = Math.sin(lambda2 - lambda1) * Math.cos(phi2);
        double x = Math.cos(phi1) * Math.sin(phi2);
        x -= Math.sin(phi1) * Math.cos(phi2) * Math.cos(lambda2 - lambda1);
        return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x));

     * Returns the vertex closest to the given longitude and latitude.
     * @param lon The target longitude.
     * @param lat The target latitude.
     * @return The id of the node in the graph closest to the target.
    long closest(double lon, double lat) {
        long closestId = 0;
        double dMin = -1;
        double d = 0;
        for (Node n : nodes.values()) {
            d = distance(lon, lat, n.lon, n.lat);
            if (d < dMin || dMin == -1) {
                closestId = n.id;
                dMin = d;
        return closestId;

     * Gets the longitude of a vertex.
     * @param v The id of the vertex.
     * @return The longitude of the vertex.
    double lon(long v) {
        return nodes.get(v).lon;

     * Gets the latitude of a vertex.
     * @param v The id of the vertex.
     * @return The latitude of the vertex.
    double lat(long v) {
        return nodes.get(v).lat;

    void addNode(Node n) {
        this.nodes.put(n.id, n);
//        if (n.name != null) { locationTree.insert(n.name); }

    LinkedList<String> getLocationsByPrefix(String prefix) {
        LinkedList<String> locationList = new LinkedList<>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> prefixMap = locationTree.getWordsForPrefix(cleanString(prefix));
        if (prefixMap == null) { return null; }
        for (String cleanName : prefixMap.keySet()) {
            long nodeId = cleanNameMap.get(cleanName).get(0);
        return locationList;

    List<Map<String, Object>> getLocations(String locationName) {
        String cleanName = cleanString(locationName);
        LinkedList<Map<String, Object>> locations = new LinkedList<>();
        if (cleanNameMap.containsKey(cleanName)) {
            for (long nodeId : cleanNameMap.get(cleanName)) {
                Node thisNode = nodesOriginal.get(nodeId);
                Map<String, Object> locationMap = new HashMap<>();
                locationMap.put("lon", thisNode.lon);
                locationMap.put("lat", thisNode.lat);
                locationMap.put("name", thisNode.name);
                locationMap.put("id", thisNode.id);
            return locations;
        return null;

    void addWay(Way w, LinkedList<Long> nodesOfWay) {
        this.ways.put(w.id, w);
        int size = nodesOfWay.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
            Edge e = new Edge(getNumberOfEdge(), w.id, nodesOfWay.get(i), nodesOfWay.get(i + 1));
            e.wayName = w.name;
            addAdj(nodesOfWay.get(i), nodesOfWay.get(i + 1));
            nodes.get(nodesOfWay.get(i + 1)).adjEdge.add(e.edgeId);
            edges.put(e.edgeId, e);
//        for (int i = 0; i <= w.nodesOfWay.size() - 2; i++) {
//            addEdge(w.nodesOfWay.get(i), w.nodesOfWay.get(i + 1));
//        }
//    void addEdge(Edge e) {
//        this.edges.put(e.id, e);
//        nodes.get(e.from).adj.add(e.to);
//        nodes.get(e.to).adj.add(e.from);
//    }
    void addAdj(Long from, Long to) {


import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

import java.util.*;

public class GraphBuildingHandler extends DefaultHandler {

    private static final Set<String> ALLOWED_HIGHWAY_TYPES = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList
            ("motorway", "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "unclassified",
                    "residential", "living_street", "motorway_link", "trunk_link", "primary_link",
                    "secondary_link", "tertiary_link"));
    private String activeState = "";
    private final GraphDB g;
    private LinkedList<Long> nodesOfWay;
    private boolean isWay;
    private GraphDB.Node lastNode;
    private GraphDB.Way lastWay;
    private int numberOfUnknownRoad = 0;
//    int indexOfNodeThisWay = 0;
//    long idOfLastNodeThisWay = 0;

    public GraphBuildingHandler(GraphDB g) {
        this.g = g;
        this.lastNode = null;
        this.isWay = false;
//        this.nodesOfWay = new LinkedList<Long>();

    public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
            throws SAXException {
        /* Some example code on how you might begin to parse XML files. */
        if (qName.equals("node")) {
            /* We encountered a new <node...> tag. */
            activeState = "node";
//            System.out.println("Node id: " + attributes.getValue("id"));
//            System.out.println("Node lon: " + attributes.getValue("lon"));
//            System.out.println("Node lat: " + attributes.getValue("lat"));

            /* TODO Use the above information to save a "node" to somewhere. */
            /* Hint: A graph-like structure would be nice. */
            GraphDB.Node n = new GraphDB.Node(Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("id")),
            lastNode = n;
        } else if (qName.equals("way")) {
            /* We encountered a new <way...> tag. */
            activeState = "way";
            nodesOfWay = new LinkedList<>();
            isWay = false;
            lastWay = new GraphDB.Way(Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("id")), new LinkedList<>());
//            System.out.println("Beginning a way...");
        } else if (activeState.equals("way") && qName.equals("nd")) {


        } else if (activeState.equals("way") && qName.equals("tag")) {
            /* While looking at a way, we found a <tag...> tag. */
            String k = attributes.getValue("k");
            String v = attributes.getValue("v");
            if (k.equals("maxspeed")) {
//                System.out.println("Max Speed: " + v);
                /* TODO set the max speed of the "current way" here. */
                lastWay.maxSpeed = v;
            } else if (k.equals("highway")) {
                //System.out.println("Highway type: " + v);
                /* TODO Figure out whether this way and its connections are valid. */
                /* Hint: Setting a "flag" is good enough! */
                isWay = ALLOWED_HIGHWAY_TYPES.contains(v);
            } else if (k.equals("name")) {
                //System.out.println("Way Name: " + v);
                lastWay.name = v;
//            System.out.println("Tag with k=" + k + ", v=" + v + ".");
        } else if (activeState.equals("node") && qName.equals("tag") && attributes.getValue("k")
                .equals("name")) {
            /* While looking at a node, we found a <tag...> with k="name". */
            /* TODO Create a location. */
            /* Hint: Since we found this <tag...> INSIDE a node, we should probably remember which
            node this tag belongs to. Remember XML is parsed top-to-bottom, so probably it's the
            last node that you looked at (check the first if-case). */
//            System.out.println("Node's name: " + attributes.getValue("v"));
            lastNode.name = attributes.getValue("v");
//            System.out.println(GraphDB.cleanString(lastNode.name));
//            if (lastNode.name != null) {
//                String cleanName = GraphDB.cleanString(lastNode.name);
//                g.locationTree.insert(cleanName);
//                if (g.cleanNameMap.containsKey(cleanName)) {
//                    g.cleanNameMap.get(cleanName).add(lastNode.id);
//                } else {
//                    LinkedList<Long> nodeIdList = new LinkedList<>();
//                    nodeIdList.add(lastNode.id);
//                    g.cleanNameMap.put(cleanName, nodeIdList);
//                }
//            }

    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
        if (qName.equals("way")) {
            /* We are done looking at a way. (We finished looking at the nodes, speeds, etc...)*/
            /* Hint1: If you have stored the possible connections for this way, here's your
            chance to actually connect the nodes together if the way is valid. */
//            System.out.println("Finishing a way...");
            if (isWay){
                if (lastWay.name == null) {
                    lastWay.name = String.format("unknown road %s",numberOfUnknownRoad);
                g.addWay(lastWay, nodesOfWay);
//                for (int i = 0; i < lastWay.nodesOfWay.size() - 2; i++) {
//                    GraphDB.Edge e = new GraphDB.Edge(nodesOfWay.get(i), nodesOfWay.get(i + 1));
//                    g.addEdge(lastWay.nodesOfWay.get(i), lastWay.nodesOfWay.get(i + 1));
//                }

Route Search (Part III)

The class receives four values for input: the start point’s longitude and latitude, and the end point’s longitude and latitude.

Your route should be the shortest path that starts from the closest connected node to the start point and ends at the closest connected node to the endpoint. The length of a path is the sum of the distances between the ordered nodes on the path.


Dijkstra’s is a Uniform-Cost search algorithm - you visit all nodes at a distance d or less from the start node. However, in cases like this, where we know the direction that we should be searching in, we can employ that information as a heuristic.

Let n be some node on the search fringe (a min priority queue), s be the start node, and t be the destination node. A* differs from Dijkstra’s in that it uses a heuristic h(n) for each node n that tells us how close it is to t. The priority associated with n should be f(n) = g(n) + h(n), where g(n) is the shortest known path distance from s and h(n) is the heuristic distance, the great-circle distance from n to t, and thus the value of h(n) should shrink as n gets closer to t. This helps prevent Dijkstra’s from exploring too far in the wrong direction.


    public static List<Long> shortestPath(GraphDB g, double stlon, double stlat,
                                          double destlon, double destlat) {
        PriorityQueue<SearchNode> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(new NodeComparator());
        SearchNode minSearchNode;
        long stNodeId = g.closest(stlon, stlat);
        long destNodeId = g.closest(destlon, destlat);
        Map<Long, Double> distTo = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        //insert an “initial search node” into the priority queue
        SearchNode initialSearchNode = new SearchNode(g, stNodeId, destNodeId, 0, null);
        distTo.put(stNodeId, 0.0);
        //Remove the search node with minimum priority
        minSearchNode = pq.poll();
//        int j = 0;

        while (minSearchNode.nodeId != minSearchNode.destNodeId) {
//            if (j < 20) {
//                System.out.println("This node:" + minSearchNode.nodeId);
//            }
//            j++;
            for (long adjId : g.adjacent(minSearchNode.nodeId)) {
                if (!distTo.containsKey(adjId)) {
                    distTo.put(adjId, 200.0);
                double distToAdj = minSearchNode.distanceFromStart + g.distance(minSearchNode.nodeId, adjId);
                //critical optimization : checks that no enqueued Node is its own grandparent
                if (minSearchNode.previousSearchNode == null ||
                        (adjId != minSearchNode.previousSearchNode.nodeId &&
                        distToAdj < distTo.get(adjId))) {
                    pq.add(new SearchNode(g, adjId, destNodeId, distToAdj, minSearchNode));
                    distTo.put(adjId, distToAdj);
//                    if (j < 20) {
//                        System.out.println("adj:" + adjId);
//                    }
            minSearchNode = pq.poll();

//        Queue<Long> queue = new LinkedList<>();
//        SearchNode thisSearchNode = minSearchNode;
//        while (thisSearchNode != null) {
//            queue.add(thisSearchNode.nodeId);
//            thisSearchNode = thisSearchNode.previousSearchNode;
//        }
        Stack<Long> stack = new Stack<>();
        SearchNode thisSearchNode = minSearchNode;
        while (thisSearchNode != null) {
            thisSearchNode = thisSearchNode.previousSearchNode;
        int size = stack.size();
        LinkedList<Long> list = new LinkedList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            list.add(i, stack.pop());
        return list; // FIXME

    private static class SearchNode{
//        GraphDB.Node node;
        long nodeId;
        long destNodeId;
        double distanceFromStart;
        SearchNode previousSearchNode;
        //second optimization : save estimatedDistanceToGoal of WorldState in an instance variable
        double estimatedDistanceToDest;

        public SearchNode(GraphDB g, long nodeId, long destNodeId, double dfs, SearchNode psn) {
            this.nodeId = nodeId;
            this.destNodeId = destNodeId;
            this.distanceFromStart = dfs;
            this.previousSearchNode = psn;
            this.estimatedDistanceToDest = g.distance(nodeId, destNodeId);

    private static class NodeComparator implements Comparator<SearchNode> {
        public int compare(SearchNode sn1, SearchNode sn2) {
            int c = 0;
            if (sn1.distanceFromStart + sn1.estimatedDistanceToDest < sn2.distanceFromStart + sn2.estimatedDistanceToDest) {
                c = -1;
            } else if (sn1.distanceFromStart + sn1.estimatedDistanceToDest > sn2.distanceFromStart + sn2.estimatedDistanceToDest) {
                c = 1;
            return c;
//            int c = (int)((sn1.distanceFromStart + sn1.estimatedDistanceToDest
//                    - (sn2.distanceFromStart + sn2.estimatedDistanceToDest)) * Math.pow(10, 8));
//            return c;

Turn-by-turn Navigation

As an example, suppose when calling routeDirections for a given route, the first node you remove is on the way “Shattuck Avenue”. You should create a NavigationDirection where the direction corresponds to “Start”, and as you iterate through the rest of the nodes, keep track of the distance along this way you travel. When you finally get to a node that is not on “Shattuck Avenue”, you should make sure NavigationDirection should have the correct total distance travelled along the previous way to get there (suppose this is 0.5 miles). As a result, the very first NavigationDirection in your returned list should represent the direction “Start on Shattuck Avenue for 0.5 miles.”. From there, your next NavigationDirection should have the name of the way your current node is on, the direction should be calculated via the relative bearing, and you should continue calculating its distance like the first one.

Angle calculation method:

public static List<NavigationDirection> routeDirections(GraphDB g, List<Long> route) {
    List<NavigationDirection> listOfNavigationDirection = new LinkedList<>();
    LinkedList<String> listOfWay = new LinkedList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
        for (long edgeId : g.adjEdgeOfNode(route.get(i))) {
            if (g.getPointsOfEdge(edgeId).contains(route.get(i + 1))) {
    NavigationDirection nd = new NavigationDirection();
    if (route.size() == 2) {
        nd.direction = 0;
        nd.distance = g.distance(route.get(0), route.get(1));
        nd.way = listOfWay.get(0);
        return listOfNavigationDirection;
    for (int i = 1; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
        long prevNodeId = route.get(i - 1);
        long currentNodeId = route.get(i);
        long nextNodeId = route.get(i + 1);
        nd.distance += g.distance(prevNodeId, currentNodeId);
        if (i == 1) {
            nd.direction = 0;
            if (listOfWay.get(0).contains("unknown road")) {
                nd.way = "";
            } else {
                nd.way = listOfWay.get(0);
        if (!listOfWay.get(i - 1).equals(listOfWay.get(i))){
            nd = new NavigationDirection();
            double bearing = g.bearing(currentNodeId, nextNodeId) - g.bearing(prevNodeId, currentNodeId);
            nd.direction = chooseDirection(bearing);
            if (listOfWay.get(i).contains("unknown road")) {
                nd.way = "";
            } else {
                nd.way = listOfWay.get(i);
        if (i == route.size() - 2) {
            nd.distance += g.distance(currentNodeId, nextNodeId);
    return listOfNavigationDirection; // FIXME

private static int chooseDirection(double bearing) {
    double absBearing = Math.abs(bearing);
    if (absBearing > 180) {
        absBearing = 360 - absBearing;
        bearing *= -1;
    if (absBearing <= 15) {
        return 1;
    } else if (absBearing <= 30) {
        if (bearing < 0) {
            return 2;
        } else {
            return 3;
    } else if (absBearing <= 100) {
        if (bearing < 0) {
            return 5;
        } else {
            return 4;
    } else if (bearing < -100) {
        return 6;
    } else {
        return 7;

Search and Autocomplete

    LinkedList<String> getLocationsByPrefix(String prefix) {
        LinkedList<String> locationList = new LinkedList<>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> prefixMap = locationTree.getWordsForPrefix(cleanString(prefix));
        if (prefixMap == null) { return null; }
        for (String cleanName : prefixMap.keySet()) {
            long nodeId = cleanNameMap.get(cleanName).get(0);
        return locationList;

    List<Map<String, Object>> getLocations(String locationName) {
        String cleanName = cleanString(locationName);
        LinkedList<Map<String, Object>> locations = new LinkedList<>();
        if (cleanNameMap.containsKey(cleanName)) {
            for (long nodeId : cleanNameMap.get(cleanName)) {
                Node thisNode = nodesOriginal.get(nodeId);
                Map<String, Object> locationMap = new HashMap<>();
                locationMap.put("lon", thisNode.lon);
                locationMap.put("lat", thisNode.lat);
                locationMap.put("name", thisNode.name);
                locationMap.put("id", thisNode.id);
            return locations;
        return null;

Actually, there are only 11 nodes in the map data that has a way linked to it. All of the rest nodes are either have no name, or is solitary(not connected to any way). At first, I “cleaned” all of these nodes and it turned out I couldn’t search anything. I create a map nodesOriginal to save the original nodes data. So make sure you don’t “clean” those nodes.

Data Structure for the Map

Data Classes: Node class:

static class Node {
    Long id;  // node id
    double lon;  // location
    double lat;
    LinkedList<Long> adj;  // list of adjacent nodes
    LinkedList<Long> adjEdge; // list of linked edges
    String name;  // node name

Edge is the connection between two adjacent nodes. Every edge is part of a way. Edge class:

static class Edge {
        Long edgeId;  // edge id
        Long wayId; // id of the way this edge belongs to
        Set<Long> points;  // set of start point and end point
        String wayName; // way name

Way class:

static class Way {
        Long id; // way id
        LinkedList<Long> edges; // edges this way includes
        String name;  // way name
        String maxSpeed;  // max speed of this way


// cleaned nodes map, key: node id, value: Node instance
private final Map<Long, Node> nodes = new HashMap<>();

// original nodes map(for search), key: node id, value: Node instance
private final Map<Long, Node> nodesOriginal = new HashMap<>();

// ways map, key: way id, value: Way instance
private final Map<Long, Way> ways = new HashMap<>();

// edges map, key: edge id, value: Edge instance
private final Map<Long, Edge> edges = new HashMap<>();

// nodes TrieTree(for autocompletion)
TrieTree locationTree = new TrieTree();

// map of "cleaned" name of nodes(for search and autocompletion), key: cleaned name, value: list of nodes(there might be multiple nodes that share a same name)
// "clean" means throw away spaces and symbols and turn every character into lowercase
Map<String, List<Long>> cleanNameMap = new HashMap<>();

Two nodes with a same name: